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From: Starr* Saffa
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Integrated social activism
Date: December 17, 2013

Greetings to one and all -

Kind and Loving Ram

You have made mention of some important points for we'us to comprehend as we go forward to our personal practice of being Living Source.

These are concepts, that once internalized become like breathing, and perhaps it will be so natural that it becomes easy to explain to others in order that they might grasp it and give it a try in their personal Journey. It may well lead to the 'critical mass' or 100th Monkey Laws that allow for a societal transformation whereby Humanity is more harmonious almost overnight.

There are key facets in your post to contemplate, and then attempt to restate along with personal experiences. What stands out is that you mention that the -

"Divine Essence" needs to be incorporated IN

Consciousness and Manifestation

I would agree, that it is our goal to realize.

Question: Is the "The central Hub" of which you speak, the Point from which Being starts - Essence becomes 'Living', or is it the Unmanifested I AM?

Yes, I am thrilled that you mentioned the Twin Flames become One Flame, for indeed that is the prophecy key to the Bliss, and one that is beginning to occur in our physical world at astounding rates, which is coming back to Wholeness.

Hoping to return to this theme. Thank You.

Living "Love-Light", Starr*

--- On Mon, Dec 16, 2013, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi Dear Starr*, Bruce, etall,

Thanks for sharing a model for earthly platform; connected spiritually with all these beautiful aspects with this earthly model as highlighted by dear Starr*:

>>> When the people know where their Conscious Awareness resides (in Source) they want to go there immediately so as to be informed of what is needed in the issues and life they are working with in the Earthly plane.

Helping people to know they are Source and have a Direct Connection to Source they begin to realize their Powers of Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart enabling them to produce heavenly creations.

Thus, sitting in a Group there will be those who bring solutions as they will be like hollow reeds with the Divine Will and Knowledge of Source flowing through them.

[Awareness of Consciousness at Source]

Ain Ain Ain OOOO Ain Ain Ain <<<

Thanks dear Starr* for taking us close enough to appreciate the Source. And maybe; if possible; free from any intellectual concepts. Also showing the Universal connection with all the conscious life. The central Hub from whose purity all life is connected and inter-connected. In fact, if the SELF-Luminosity is experienced even with one Flame ( called as Twin-Flame), doors will open up for the Infinity's Light, Love and Laughter to embrace us in its Divine Love. Such an experience will open up and renew all the cells, atoms, protons of the individual Consciousness; taking it further into the Universal Oneness as such. Hope such a link-way can be established and demonstrated in this combined model. Remember, we are talking about:

. The Divine in Consciousness

- The Divine in Manifestation

-The Divine as ONE

All three of them have to be linked together to make some headway in real life Direct Connection.

In Love, we are not two. We are ONE.

Flowing with the Flow of Self-Luminosity.........Ram

--- On Mon, Dec 16, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

When the people know where their Conscious Awareness resides (in Source) they want to go there immediately so as to be informed of what is needed in the issues and life they are working with in the Earthly plane.

Helping people to know they are Source and have a Direct Connection to Source they begin to realize their Powers of Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart enabling them to produce heavenly creations.

Thus, sitting in a Group there will be those who bring solutions as they will be like hollow reeds with the Divine Will and Knowledge of Source flowing through them.

Ain Ain Ain OOOO Ain Ain Ain

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Mon, Dec 16, 2013, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

This is a model of social activism I created for our local Santa Barbara Occupy group.

How does our universal axis of connection to Source/Divine inform and guide this process?

Is this "De la Guerra Plaza" node in the center (the place in Santa Barbara where we actually met in a circle) somehow akin to the "Eye of God" that Starr* has been presenting?




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