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934 available

From: Starr* Saffa
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Ascension Current - Alignment
Date: December 11, 2013

S'ace, Ram, and All

Yes Ram, there is 'Angel' in all of us - that is the Human potential - and it makes me happy and joyful to know of that potential - something never to forget. Unconditional Love bowing to the Source within one another, a Love born of our Love for Source and Self as Source.

And when S'ace writes: "When we constantly focus on the indwelling "Self" as the Sustainer, the Seer/Witness, the Director, the Enjoyer and the Universal Connector" - I feel the Bliss of Home ( I N).

Yet as he says there are challenges when we bring this idea to Humankind as being seen as (I M) - it's OK so long as we know this is the potential of All, which can blend together when we know we come from the (I N) of Wholeness.

I AM that I AM.

Ayn Ayn Ayn OOOO Ayn Ayn Ayn


--- On Wed, Dec 11, 2013, S´ace G root wrote ---

Re : "When we constantly focus on the indwelling "Self" as the Sustainer, the Seer/Witness, the Director, the Enjoyer and the Universal Connector; we mean" :

As a manifestaTion of the new world / roundabout ..

I practise the role of indirector .. Pioneering this in the prefab world full of pitfalls this is as walking the sharp suisse/isis knive ..

So .. what does it mean & who wants to know?

Tip from the curtain ..

I N Director ?


I M Director ?

Who cuts material spiritualism ??


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