From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Ascension Current
Date: December 7, 2013
Just a quick check-in, on some rather sensitive and mysterious energies that do feel quite interesting...
For me, what seems to be emerging is the sense that all spirituality and realization and "direct connection" seem to involve this essential process of "alignment". Whether this includes "all the chakras" or not isn't fully clear to me exactly. But what I do sense in a compelling way -- is that I am being pulled very strongly into something I would describe as "vertical alignment" -- and this alignment process is essentially about "centering". Aligning is a process is adjustment -- of "correction" -- like steering something towards its goal -- where the goal is the center.
So, for me -- something like the "vertical axis" of the Christian cross -- seems to represent this vertical alignment process. Maybe the horizontal arm of the cross connects me around the circle to the people in the group or family -- or somehow creates a gathering. My individual alignment goes towards something like the absolute vertical center.
And the energy at that center -- is very brilliant stuff indeed. This, as I experience it -- is the "Ascension Current" -- really, the axis of connection of the individual to source -- the connection of the berry to the vine -- the connection of all individual human beings to the universal current -- and to one another through the universal current.
So where this seems to be going for me right now -- involves a process of gradual and very careful convergence. I have been doing this little practice of so-called "fasting and prayer" -- part of my life for many years -- but at the moment, this is an incremental thing -- a tiny bit at a time, in slight small adjustments that re-center the energy in waves. Eat a little, work a little, attune (re-center, consecrate) a little, rest, re-gather, do it again --
Something like that.
And around me -- there is this sense that my body wants to go into this Ascension Current -- that this experience is the key integration of our moment, of our time, of this "dawning integral (or interspiritual) age".
This is a channel of pure spiritual power -- untouchable except under full authenticity. There's no way to cheat, no way to get in for free, no way to drag bad habits through the door. This is get-real time, pure and simple. No one can claim the energy, no one can own it. All we can do is surrender into it, somewhere up near the top of our personal mountain....
Right now, kind of like knitting -- I am working on a little feature of this web site -- this "comment stream", which I got the idea might be helpful for pulling all these various conversations and groups into one framework. We'll see how that goes.
For now, for me -- the big thing is -- keep incrementing, one little step at a time. Keep it tight, keep it true, stay balanced and understated, take it easy. This energy is around. As I see it -- there's nothing more interesting in the universe....