From: Ram Varma
Type: Forum
Group: Global Resonance Network
Subject: Ayn Ayn Ayn OOOO Ayn Ayn Ayn
Date: November 23, 2013
Hi Starr*, et all,
Thanks for sharing your beautiful insights into "Ayn's" and "O's " combination for triggering the activation of the Resonant zone. Much appreciated. I see that entering into that Resonant zone, takes us further into the Silent/Still Zone which is the Divine Observer/Vision. Simply, seeing through the Divine Eyes of God. And arising within us deep admiration for seeing the Divinity in all the creations.
I am inclined to practice; first with a higher sound volume the whole line; but with the above Essence deeply resounding deeply within me, then slowly lowering it down like whispering and then silently contemplating Its total Conscious impact..........all leading to realizing the Oneness already there. But it is not visible to the ordinary eye. When, with a free will, one practices this Divine combination, one automatically enters into the Divine Will and begins to see all things with a Divine Vision; triggering and presenting Divine Unity ready for us to see and experience it as it is (not as intellecutualy conceptualized).
In so doing thus experientially getting in touch with the Indwelling Spirit's primary functions of the Witness/Observer, Experiencer/Enjoyer, the Universal Connector and the Director. This is then being the Spirit and abiding by it. It is then the intellect is brought in to organize the orchestration of these observations and directions in day to day living of life and being in sync with the Divine Will. This is what I understand about this beautiful Divine Combination.
I am seeing a regular practice of this great Divine Discipline has the full potential to take us uniquely into the realization of the Oneness already in existence; however; lovingly waiting for all of us to experience It and Be It.
Having said that, I will like to emphasize that such Divine Experiences are very difficult to describe. As there isn't sufficient literary ability to do so.
Ayn Ayn Ayn OOOO Ayn Ayn Ayn
With much Love and Admiration........Ram ...........................
--- On Sat, Nov 23, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---
Ayn (Eye of Source).
Mentioning The Eye of Source three times talks of The Unity of Source and brings us into the "Resonance Zone"
O = Omnipresent
O = Omniscient
O = Omnipotent
O = Oneness
Ayn Ayn Ayn
Every time we use this we align with Source and the Divine Will. Also, it further Awakens our Illumination and Enlightenment in that its numerology speaks of a new level (10).