From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Sacred Tree of Community
Subject: Chakra Alignment and Collective Truth
Date: November 21, 2013
The question that is burning in me -- that I am pushing hard to answer -- has to do with the issue of whether or not "chakra alignment" in an individual person affects or guides the attunement of that person with "truth".
So, consider this scenario or way of framing the discussion.
Yes, we more or less know how to connect the individual with Source. This is the basic objective of spirituality -- and indeed, of religion (which we can understand as an institutionalization of spirituality, with all the issues that arise when a pure idea like spirituality is adopted by some human institution or bureaucracy (yes, there can be/are distortions and confusions and abuses, and some would say we don't need "religions" for that reason. Others say that we must build institutions for spirituality -- ie, religions -- because we have to have a foundational ethic for human beings to live in community).
So, let's say that the issue we are looking into is:
How can a group of people make collective decisions ("practice democracy") in a way that is guided by the deepest sort of spirituality -- and, indeed, "truth"?
My instinct is supposing -- or at least looking into the question -- that people who come together into a group, who must make collective decisions regarding the welfare of the group, can collectively find a way to invoke and follow "divine guidance".
This has been happening in culture since the beginning of time -- since the first tribal councils sat together, called on their Gods for advice, and made decisions about what to do together.
So, what I am asking is -- is there some pure or best or perfect way to do this?
This action would be described as "Discerning the Will of God Together".
What I want to know is -- if this council comes together in a spirit of truth, with real wisdom and skill, and maybe some guiding maps regarding the nature of reality -- can they make ideal or perfect or optimal decisions?
If 12 people in this council each enter themselves, go into a sacred attunement with Source and Oneness, and connect to one another (through "Namaste") -- and each of these people is capable of a high level of virtue, without "ego" or self-serving motivations --can a unity of energy emerge that is truly guided by Oneness or Source of the Godhead or Divine Light -- in a way that embraces or incorporates all the knowledge in the group -- among the 12 people -- plus is attuned to the universal divine form -- the Logos -- or the Absolute One -- ?
Can this happen?
Is there a body of skills and tools and methods and presumptions that can guide this process in the most skillful way?
And if so -- does the relative degree of "chakra alignment" in the individual members affect their personal ability to connect with "truth" -- in ways that might authenticate or validate their particular perceptions? Or is "chakra alignment" not relevant to this issue?
Or maybe -- "perfect chakra alignment does not guarantee perfect perception of truth".
But there is something very appealing about this "alignment" issue.
Individuals get into optimal resonance with their own potential. They "align with their higher self".
As that is happening -- individuals are also getting into alignment with each other -- by listening, by acknowledging, by honoring.
This process creates a unified energy -- at least to some degree. People can become "of one mind" -- maybe "of one energy".
Can a group -- a "collective" -- enter into a guided process of decision-making that connects to the divine source, and is inspired and led by it?
I think what we want to say here -- is "yes".
And we want to say this with a strong sense of why we believe this.
Energy sources and influences:
1) Each individual brings their personal knowledge, their skills, their beliefs, their personal commitment to "issues"
2) Those skills and insights and beliefs are not all the same. People are different -- they have different skills, different tendencies -- and different beliefs. They may disagree on specific questions. "Should a woman have an unlimited right to an abortion at any time during her pregnancy?" Different beliefs lead to different conclusions on this question. But we have to live together -- and together, we have to answer this question. We will either answer it wisely -- or not.
3) Coming into the group process are multiple influences: Each individual brings their perspective. If people who may disagree on some point treat each other with respect, they may discover some new solution or possibility no one of them had thought about before. So, there is a "co-creative" energy in a sacred group
4) Tuned to source -- each individual in the group might (?) be able to hear or receive some transmission or message or insight from outside their own mind -- from a "divine source".
So we have three sources of information: each individual, the co-creative energy in the group, and the possibility of "divine influences" from outside the conscious minds of anyone in the group.
What I am seeing when I consider these possibilities -- is the interlinking of souls -- all entirely guided at the highest level by the energy of Oneness, of Unity, of Wholeness -- which seems to contain in itself an inherent ethic. This is "The Law of the One" as it guides humanity through its transition....