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From: Starr* Saffa
Type: Page
Page: Oneness
Date: October 19, 2013

Dear Ram, Bruce, and All

I am in a discussion with Bruce on My Blog spot that he has been so graciously creating for our use.

I wanted to share this portion of the blog so you know that I am so appreciative of what is present here, as informs so much of what is building in other parts of the InterSpirit dialogues.

From the blog reply:

3). Although I have bits and pieces of Kurt Johnson's work, the mandate for InterSpirit, I still haven't perused his material and premises sufficiently, therefore, I"m speaking without knowing if he has addressed the removal of the veils of which I wish to address in responding to your blog post.

4). Thanks to Ram, I know that we are on the same trajectory as regards the following paragraph, I just want to help transform the causes of what blocks or undermines the objectives.

From Ram's Oneness post No. 101058 (5). "The veil of the illusion of separation is torn and we become acutely aware of our oneness. We come to know that love is the common element of our humanity, not the divisiveness that tears us apart. Deeper than all divisions, love binds us as one. This is the unseen yet indisputably experienced ?God Particle in us. We are entering the Interspiritual Age, the next great evolutionary leap for humankind.a leap from from separation consciousness to unity consciousness."

OOOO, Ayn Ayn Ayn - Starr*

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